Our trip began in sweaty humid south Florida, and has taken us to baked dry Arizona.
I'm a girl that is used to traveling with a minimal amount of things as to avoid the shoulder ache that accompanies heavy, overloaded luggage. But this time, we were packed to the MAX.
I was so thankful to the curbside Baggage guy that overlooked our 2lb overage on ALL our bags and made sure he got a good tip :)
Our flights were pretty smooth, besides the turbulence that wouldn't let up the entire leg from Atlanta to Phoenix. *har har* Some interesting things to note: Our first seat buddy was an auto theft detective of 17 years on his way to a convention. He had a few interesting anecdotes from working in that field and how kids get involved with taking cars for fun and how the stakes only get higher as they age. On the second leg, the lady sitting next to us was on her way to interview a 29 year old woman for a job as an Episcopalian Priest(ess?). I've never considered how that whole process works (*ring ring* Hello, I have been training as a priestess and would like an interview. Tomorrow? Sure I'll pick you up from the airport!).. weird....
Grandma and Grandpa were waiting for us as we walked through the point of no return in the Phoenix airport. It was sooo good to see them, since it has been since our wedding the last time we were together.
Next stop was to Subway for some fresh eats, where I literally scarfed my sandwich down. From there we headed to my Uncle Dave's apartment for the fun to really begin!
My grandparents and youngest cousin, Colton |
Colton was sure to show off his mad racing skills on the green there. Pretty impressive for a 4 year old, I do say. ;)
Us, Colton, Uncle Dave, and Gramps |
The 1.5 hr trip from the airport to my grandparents house in Tonto Basin is truly a gorgeous route. The landscape offers a wide visual palette, great stacks of deep red rock like this one below, or cacti prickled hills.
We so happened to be traveling just before sunset, and so were able to enjoy a beautiful sky as well.
Here are few sights I enjoyed.
We took off for the Grand Canyon around 8am and had a 4 hr. drive before we would arrive.
It was the perfect time to catch up on our lives, and talk about the wonderful ways God has been blessing us. I am so appreciative of the gracious grandparents I have, and I so enjoyed being able to just be with them.
Pit stops always included picture taking of the local flora.
Finally, we made it! Truly, it didn't seem like such a long trip, but then...I wasn't the one driving :)
They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, but my grandpa said that a fall of one thousand feet begins with one trip. If only everyone could experience my dear grandpa's humor... :)
I am SOO glad we got to see this wonder of God's creation. Truly is it majestic, and there's no way to experience the awe of this Grand Canyon until you are standing on the precipice overlooking those rusty chasms.
Jonathan and I got a little daring and actually got to climb on top of the ledge you see off to the right. Pretty amazing view, I must say. |
Back on the Sheehan "ranch" we got to enjoy the peace a desert life can bring. Here are a few pictures from my grandma's butterfly garden. She's always been a outstanding gardener, as I can remember all the walks I used to take with her as a child through her garden, a fascinating place for a little girl.
And the heat. Oh yes, it was definitely 100* in the shade, but to a Floridian... this wasn't so bad since there wasn't any humidity.
It was so awesome to spend time with these two guys as time and distance have really crept in between our lives. Colton is absolutely a joy and so much fun to be with. I couldn't ask for a better family!
There's nothing better than to be surrounded by people who have to love you, but choose to do it of their own accord instead. Grandma and Grandpa, we SO enjoyed our time with you! Thank you for being such wonderful hosts!
Coming up: Our ingression unto the Hawaiian Islands!