Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Support Letter

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Dear Loved Ones,
We sincerely hope that this letter finds you well. We are so excited to share with you what God has been doing in our lives, and how He has been stretching and growing our faith. We believe that everything in life happens for a reason, and that reason according to Romans 8:28-29 is that we may become more like Jesus Christ. This is our heartfelt desire and goal in life, that we may better reflect our Lord and Risen Savior.
Since graduating, we have felt that God would move us into ministry of one kind or another and have been seeking His will for the next chapter of our lives. In short, we have felt a definite call from God to join Youth with a Mission, and allow God to change our lives forever through this experience.Youth with a Mission (YWAM) is an organization that specializes in sending young people out into the world to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in accordance with Mark 16:15, to know Jesus and make Him known. They have a heart for the poor and needy, and we are excited for how God is going to use us with this dynamic group of believers.
We have submitted our application to YWAM’s University of the Nations in Kona, Hawaii, where we will be enrolled in their Discipleship Training School (DTS) for three months and then spend three months in a foreign country in outreach.
Just as Jesus commanded the rich young ruler, we are selling our earthly goods and going to preach the name of Jesus, but this is where our faith in God comes in. We are leaving our jobs here in Florida and going into full time ministry with YWAM. You, our loved ones, are immensely important in this step in our lives. We need all the prayer support we can get, because this ministry is nothing without the prayers of God’s people. Even Paul the apostle understood this when at the end of his first letter to the Thessalonians he asked them to pray for him. Secondly, we humbly ask that you would pray about contributing financially. We need to raise $11,000 before we leave on outreach in December. We know that “the one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it (I Thess. 5:24),” therefore God will provide the means for us to answer the call He has placed on our lives, and you can be a part of it! Many times because of responsibilities that God has already given you, it isn’t possible for you to leave your home and join with other Christians proclaiming the name of Jesus around the world. But you can get involved by supporting us, knowing that because of your gift we were able to go! We are walking completely and only by faith, trusting that God will bring in what we need to be successful in our outreach.
So THANK YOU! Thank you for your prayers, for your love, and for the faith you have that God will work out His perfect will in our lives to GLORIFY Him above all!
Much Love,
Jonathan and Jennifer

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