Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Canceling Christmas

Lights and decorations are starting to go up, invitations for thanksgiving dinners have been sent out or received, my 5 year old's Christmas wish list is almost complete. Menu planning is officially underway, and the schedule of events is getting denser as the days go by--and MAYBE there are a few family birthdays in the mix??

These are all happy wonderful things, right?

But did you know there's an actual name for a disorder caused by all these things. GAD is generalized anxiety disorder. It can be triggered by all the things I just mentioned in the first paragraph.

Maybe you've felt it, I know I've felt twinges of it.

What if there was a way to pass thought these last few weeks of the year and pop out into 2020 feeling refreshed and renewed?

So what's coming our way?

Thanksgiving: the act of giving thanks.

Christmas- remembering how God became man and began his human journey to become the ultimate sacrifice to pay for our sin and reconcile us to a right relationship with God once and for all. HOWEVER: it's turned mainly into a gift giving frenzy with an over hyped build up leading to "the day" that we open them.

I find it fascinating that Thanksgiving precedes Christmas. Partly because it makes so much sense, but partly because of how quickly we can easily forget all that stuff a few hours after the turkey is carved. So what are we missing in that transition that's making us so crazy?

Is it all the commercialism and hype? Well, men in our nation's history have tried to ban any joyful celebrations and cheerful decorations to keep things serious and focused on the "reason for the season," (no Christmas parties or pretty trees in the name of religion) and I can't see that any of those things made people better off-- it didn't last very long either.

Studies have shown that putting our minds in the right place can be life changing. Practicing a daily way of giving thanks can transform the way we view EVERYTHING. I call it keeping ourselves out of the "want swamp". You know what I'm talking about? Self-pity, constant comparison, complaining, and general discontent with life. Hey, I've even been there in the summer--Christmas isn't the only time tourists frequent the "want swamp."

Here's what I'm going to attempt this year: 

  1. Choosing activities that only facilitate refreshment and joy (could be through service with and for others, could be about seeing things through my kids eyes)
  2. Maintaining an intentional attitude of gratitude

I'm convinced that by keeping our eyes on what we want AFTER Christmas, we'll actually get what we need and want most throughout this special season.

There are SOO many opportunities for joy in any day. What we focus on grows, so I hope you find more and more things to be thankful for and fewer things to be weary of as each day ticks by until we reach a brand new DECADE together!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A String

"Those kids did not share with me!"

I squinted at my eldest son in the rear view mirror.
We had enjoyed celebrating a friends birthday at the park that Saturday, and now he was giving me the report of his playtime as we drove home for the day.

"So how can you help the other kids know what to do?" I asked.

"I will teach them to share with authority...and sternness! And then they will HAVE to share their toys with me."


BOOM. How often do I lean on "authority and sternness" to make my point or teach the lesson? I was immediately convicted.What is it exactly that wins people to appreciate the truth? Is it a loud voice? Is it just repeating your views over and over?

Sunday morning came and I flipped over to Philippians 4 in his "Easy to Read" version of the Bible and my question was answered.

Philippians 4:5  Let everyone see that you are gentle and kind. The Lord is coming soon.

It's so simple. Gentleness and kindness. Those are the tell tale signs of someone that is listening to the Holy Spirit and guided by his instruction.

What makes me so quick to justify my impatience and hot words in the name of righteousness? What does the voice of THE Father sound like when I am off on a tangent He never intended for me? 

Gentle and kind.

That same father made sure we heard this on our drive home that day. Take a listen to "The String that Ties Us" by Beautiful Eulogy.

We are and can do NOTHING without love.

God, please forgive me for speaking without love. Give me patience, gentleness, and kindness. Give me faith to believe that you are at work behind the scenes, and that it's not up to me to make the right things happen when I think they should. Thank you for your unconditional love. Amen.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

I Did the Wrong Thing

 I found myself in an accidental experiment. Conventional wisdom says wait until later on when you know it’s “for sure the baby is going to be OK”. What happens if you buck conventional wisdom?

I woke up the morning after my hospital stay and I knew I needed to share the news of what had transpired with my church home group. I sent a short text message explaining that unexpectedly our sweet little life was safe in the arms of Jesus.

What I found was a hammock of love and prayers that immediately surrounded me and our family. They continue to carry us, (and SOOOO MANY OTHERS) as my body is still healing from complications that came from the miscarriage.

Who’s talking about this stuff? I never had anyone talk to me about it until just this year, and honestly, just knowing that I had a friend that experienced this loss too took the loneliness factor way down for me. Can I be that person for you?

My hope through all of this is that my story can help someone else tell their story. As so many women in my life have reached out to care for me, I have heard so many stories of their own tragedies. Tears have come to their eyes even decades after their loss, because the life they hoped for was gone too soon.

1 in 4 pregnancies end this way. It has affected way more people than I ever imagined. There’s nothing any mother can do about it, but it doesn’t lessen the sting.

Everyone processes things differently, and everyone experiences grief differently, and I hope anyone that reads this and needs hope and healing can find it.

Here are some resources that I hope can help guide anyone that needs to heal.

If you have experienced an abortion and have experienced regret or pain about your choice, I say there is healing for you too. 1 in 3 women (church going folks included) have made that choice, and you can find grace and mercy and unconditional forgiveness and love.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Get Away!

Here comes #4! We broke the news to the kids as soon as we got the positive result on the home test. They were absolutely stoked, Micah boldly proclaiming “I’ll change the baby’s diaper! It’s super easy!”

That Sunday at church, I shared with a large handful of people. I figured I may as well beat the kids to the punch since I knew we couldn’t rely on any discretion in that area. We were truly overjoyed.

My nausea and 1st trimester exhaustion hit me pretty quickly; I was taking up to 3 cat naps a day, surrounded by the kids playing just so I could muster the energy to do the next task. I joked that was on a mission to gain as much weight as possible from my constant napping and eating to avoid nausea.

But all this set into depression. I started to hide. Binging shows on Netflix, taking way too much time scrolling social media; I knew it wasn’t healthy, but I was SO overwhelmed I reasoned. Will I ever figure this out?

Mom had gotten me signed up for a women’s retreat on a different island. I didn’t even have time to think about it until I was packing an hour before I went to bed for the night.

I showed up at the campground with my list of things I needed God to change. I was aware I needed to be spiritually alert. I didn’t want to lose ground that meant so much to me. So I just put it out there as an SOS asking God to please spare me from whatever depression I was dealing with.
12 weeks pregnant with our 4th little blessing

Not 2 hours into the official retreat schedule, I was a puddle of tears. The speaker I had chosen in a break out session, Chrissy, had nailed my issue square on. The basics are always the first things to go, and here I was embellishing and complaining to God about everything on my plate. I repented that afternoon, “God, forgive me for leaving you out. Jesus, please remind me to reach to you when I feel weak.” My table was clear, and I knew he was going to reset it with the things I really needed.
  1. I HAVE to start my day with his word. It’s as important as a night of sleep. A day started without this “bread” is straight up trouble. I’ve seen how grumpy and impatient I can be on my own.
  2. He prodded me to share my story. My brokenness. The incomplete parts of myself that I personally witness him fill in. “We can let him use the story we have for his glory, or we can keep it to ourselves,” is what another speaker shared that weekend. This is honestly why I'm blogging again...

Those 2 themes kept surfacing in the 9 or 10 sessions I attended listening to various speakers.

Ok, I know what I need to do now, God…

I had my reset, and I felt absolutely refreshed, ready for the rest of this pregnancy.

Not What I Planned

The weekend after the retreat was my husband’s birthday. We had a day trip planned as a family so our eldest could have a dolphin encounter at a nature center, and that gave us the perfect excuse to get out of the house and enjoy some time together. It was a BEAUTIFUL day, and I was feeling pretty “normal” again. My energy was good, and I hadn’t been nauseated in a few weeks.

We were leaving the dolphin encounter when I stopped for a quick bathroom break. “Oh!” I said when I noticed something not normal for my pregnancies. I was also slightly cramping I realized. I called my doctor before we went into a restaurant for lunch to let them know I had some super light spotting, and I was cramping. The nurse on call assured me it was normal, and to take it easy for a while.

Ultrasound taken at 8 weeks. We got to see
Valorie's  heart beat.
The next day was Sunday, so I shared what was going on with my pastor’s wife and asked her to pray for me as I was just going to take a day of bedrest as I waited for whatever was happening to stop.

I read a whole book that day. Jonathan took care of the kids, and my mom brought over a meal and prayed for the baby. When I went to bed that night, everything looked like it was clearing up and I should be able to move around more the next day. I was thankful we had weathered this little scare.

I woke up and ran to the bathroom. It was 2:30 am and something was totally off. I weighed my options. Should I call the staff on call or just go to the emergency room? I decided to check myself in. Thankfully we live about 8 minutes from the hospital, so it was a quick drive over.

It was quiet when I arrived, except for a toddler in some distress in the triage room. I silently thanked God that my kids were quietly asleep in their beds. I was immediately brought to the ob-gyn room in the ER and set up with an ultrasound.

The doctor came in soon, and confirmed that there had been a complete miscarriage. At this point, I was losing a large amount of blood, but the sweet nurse on staff comforted me providing warm blankets from my head to toe and let me know this is just part of the process and encouraged me to give myself plenty of space to heal emotionally and physically. She had experienced this same thing not too long ago.

I felt like I had a friend that night nearby.

As I waited in my quiet room for the staff to discharge me from the ER, God gave me a name for this little person. 

Valorie Grace

She had been mightily used to remind me where TRUE strength lies. I cried silent tears, letting go of my plans and expectations. My life would never be the same.

Sunday, November 3, 2019


I found freedom from a mental and spiritual prison of doubt, fear, shame, and insecurity. You may have come to this blog post because of my "A Struggle with Grace" blog series--this will summarize how I was able to get free from all that junk.

I realized that I did not know where Jesus was when I was experiencing some of the hardest battles I had ever fought in my life. I realized that I had been trying to fight and heal from all kinds of issues in my own strength. Friend, we can not fight life's battles and be more than a conqueror on our own.

When I tried to do this solo, I was living with shame, doubt, anger, and hopelessness about the dreams I had wanted to see come true in my life. It was an impossible mountain to climb.

So what did I do when my eyes were opened to the truth? This is something called "conviction."--when I recognized that what I was doing was wrong.

1. Repent

Psalm 32 is such a beautiful picture of what happens when we repent. I acknowledged my sin, just like I shared in this blog. I told Jesus about my failures. 

Ps. 32:5  says, 
"acknowledged my sin to you,
    and I did not cover my iniquity;
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,”
    and you forgave the iniquity of my sin."

Sure enough, I received forgiveness IMMEDIATELY 

2. Replace

Ps. 32:7 says, 
You are a hiding place for me;
    you preserve me from trouble;
    you surround me with shouts of deliverance.

and v10 says
Many are the sorrows of the wicked,
    but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord.

I asked God to replace the fear with his love
Replace the shame with his strength.
Replace the anxiety with his joy.

3. Receive

In order to receive it, I asked him for something special. I asked him to reveal to me where he was every time I was pregnant going though my version of trauma. He was so faithful to reveal exactly where HE was.

  • With baby #1 He was sitting in the living room praying for me.
  • With baby #2 He was with Jonathan, acting as our protector and provider.
  • With baby #3 He was sitting on the front door step keeping anything out of our home that did not belong.

I was SOO humbled that he had shown me these beautiful pictures, and OH, THE PEACE that came! To know I had NOT been abandoned. I had been cared for beyond what I was even aware of.

With that gift, I prayed over each of my babies to impart to the the gifts I had just received.

I was free.

Jesus had done a BEAUTIFUL work in my heart, and the anxiety that used to come when I thought of a new baby was completely GONE. Jesus would be with me!

Friend, I believe you can be free of anything that has been holding you captive.There is nothing too big or complicated or even shameful that is bigger than the God I serve. He has come to set the captives free!
 Isaiah 61:1He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed.

A Struggle with Grace: Part 5

So now our little family equaled five.
Jonathan and I love each other fiercely.
We still would love to welcome more into our home, HOWEVER I was still scared to death about getting pregnant because of the rocky roads I've seen those journeys take.

Since we took our first married steps of faith, we both have felt challenged to put the timing and amount of children into our Heavenly Father's hands. It's too great a burden for me to bear thinking about all the eternal ramifications of denying life to (or not to) happen. I do believe children are one of the greatest blessings we can receive from heaven.

The thing is, now I am very well acquainted with some of the challenges associated with the whole process. The rose colored glasses are now officially off.
Debra’s beautiful faithfulness and grace
is such an encouragement to me

A friend of mine became miraculously pregnant after years of being told it couldn't happen. I was genuinely overjoyed for her, but pretty much all I could think and say was, "I'm so glad it's you and not me."

Did I still have faith to believe I could trust God with this whole part of our life?

One day, Mom asked me to pull out a book she needed to use for a class, called Joy Starts Here. She had raved about this book, but I just didn't get it. I had read it, but it just never really connected to my life. So when I pulled it off the shelf, I wanted to take one more look to see if I could find just one reason this was a helpful book.

Flipping through the first half that was liberally highlighted from my reading a few years ago, nothing stood out to me. I went to the last part of the book where the highlighting tapered off and started reading an anecdote about a couple that had experienced a very traumatic delivery of their first born. The father said that in that moment, fear and hopelessness crowded in on him, and the desire to NEVER see his wife go through that experience again. He did not feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in that moment.

Suddenly, I saw myself for who I was. Afraid, feeling alone, doubting, and relying on only my strength. I had NOT been looking for Jesus in any of this, I had been trying to figure out how to do it myself.

This Emmanuel (God with us) presence that PROMISES me "I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” in Hebrews 13:5, was something that I had neglected to even look for. My eyes had been glued onto my worst fears and failures rather than taking comfort in THE COMFORTER. 
Jesus says in John 14:16, "I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may be with you for ever.'
(Please just go read the whole chapter of John 14... SO MUCH GOODNESS there!)

Suddenly, I knew what I needed to do to be free from this fear. I had been believing a lie, and had been living the consequences. It was time for change.

I want to share the process I went through and how I was able to completely embrace the future without any fear. Click here to read how I found freedom!

Thursday, October 31, 2019

A Struggle with Grace: Part 4

What if the point of grace is so we can go straight to the feet of Jesus with our sin stains smeared across our face and dripping from our hands? What if the biggest heart change happens if we go to the foot of the cross when we feel the LEAST WORTHY?

This is the real life me. I knew Jesus, I was trying to live like what I thought the Bible says, yet with the stench of death and defeat on everything I touch in life it was bound to infect me--destined to try and over take my better judgement and best hopes. I was STILL doubting and pouting because my life wasn't ideal. I was still ME FIRST in so so many sad ways.

When we moved, and the dust began to settle, I discovered I was HUNGRY. I needed way more for my heart and soul than I had ever been given or ever thought to ask for. While I confessed to know Christ, I didn't know ENOUGH--do we ever?

I was finally humble enough to ask for help and seek accountability. I saw that I am so sadly weak and wretched.

So I started to dig. I knew I needed people around me for accountability, and I needed to do some homework. I found the Genesis Process. It is a really beautiful tool to identify pain points in your life and get freedom from things that keep us in unhealthy cycles. I know there are ways to quit having babies, *har har*, but I needed to find something that would REALLY change me. This was a great start.

Jonathan and I agreed that before we thought about any more babies, we NEEDED marriage counseling. Not long after that conversation, we were invited to attend a 3 month class called, "Covenant Marriage" that totally reset our relationship and gave us healthy tools for communication. We announced to our class in the second month that baby #3 would be joining us later that year.

I started to panic again. What emotional terrors awaited me this time? What ugly side of myself would I have to face with this pregnancy?
God assured me that Pierce would be
a witness to the good work Christ is doing

I felt inspired to change my diet.I began feasting on the bread of life daily. I couldn't get enough, because I couldn't lose my junk fast enough. I did a big Beth Moore bible study that involved A LOT of homework (Thank you, Jesus, for women that speak truth!), and I met weekly with a few ladies to keep me accountable. I'm so thankful that I had that group to be connected to, it was literally a life line when I felt like I might drown.

It wasn't all smooth sailing, but I felt a difference in my response to situations. Ever heard of "putting on the full armor of God?" I'm laughing because it sounds so cliche, but I actually saw what happens when I did...

Pierce was born on September 27, 2017, and I was SOOO glad to not be pregnant anymore.

A Struggle with Grace: Part 3

We watched the cycle of abuse from the top floor of our house roll through a few times. We were scared, and felt totally out of control and out of options. Gradually the storm that was permanently brewing began to pull us in. They aimed their dysfunction towards us and both became more hostile as the weeks went by.

I'm leaving a lot of details out here, because frankly, this story isn't about them-- thought they certainly caused a lot of stress.

I aimed my anger towards God. I still hadn't healed from my past wounds, and now God was letting us be in harms way, with TWO kids in the picture!
"God, has abandoned me!" I hoarsely whispered at Jonathan hot tears burning down my face. "He is NOWHERE to be found in this!" The laptop screen I was gripping cracked as I emphasized the word "nowhere."

I was such a mess, I felt so hopeless, and I couldn't even switch the laundry without fearing what would happen!

There were new stresses in my relationship with Jonathan that were brought out in this period. Things I never thought would even be a "thing," but pregnancy plus life stress does CRAZY things to people.
Publicly, I'm think I'm great at putting on a happy face. But it's really Jonathan that gets to see my junk fall out. I can't say I completely lost faith through any of these times, but I'd say I was definitely running on fumes. Imagine driving a truck up a mountain on fumes... not recommended.

Things escalated to the point we had to leave our house. They had crossed a line of safety, and if you and I were in person, I'd tell what exactly what happened... but because this is internet and I haven't consulted a lawyer, I'm keeping it offline.

We had to leave, and they couldn't know where were going.

I was relieved, but now we were homeless, it was Christmas time, and I was going to have a baby any day.

Some dear friends opened up a place for us to stay indefinitely until we could find a new rental. I guess we'd do better homework on the neighbors next time...

Verity was born December 17, in a hospital in the North part of the island, a week after we had left our house. She was beautiful and absolutely perfect; the most peaceful and content baby I've ever met. She was an actual miracle.

Our church hosted an event call "Journey to Bethlehem" that year. I attended with 2 day old Verity and very energetic almost 2 year old. The story of Mary and Joseph needing a place to stay with their not-born-yet baby hit me RIGHT between the eyes. They weren't abandoned, that was clear to see! God had a master plan that they were walking out in spite of the uncertainty!

Maybe I could find a reason to connect with God one more time. I HAD to! I knew I couldn't do this mom thing on my own! God, I just need to heal, I feel so sore!

After a month staying at our temporary home, a place opened up that would fit us well. We did our homework, asked A LOT of questions and felt peace about moving forward.

Verity was 1 month old when we moved in.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Struggle with Grace: Part 2

Newborn life with Micah was absolute joy. He was so precious, and I was so relieved to be at home full time away from all the stress and drama I had experienced at school while I was teaching. We quickly saw as he approached his first year, he was the center of our family’s universe. He was the first grandchild on my side, and with Grandmama and Papa close by, we knew he needed another little person to share all this joy with. So we prayed for a little sibling.

Not long after his 1st birthday, we discovered a little sister was soon to join us! We were elated! As we were staying in a 1 bedroom condo, we realized we had better start our search for a larger place sooner rather than later due to the difficulty finding god housing can be on a small island.

We found a place on craigslist that was just the right price. Three bedrooms, and a view of the ocean, this HAD to be the one. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, we started making it happen. We had to meet a few timelines with leaving the other place that caused some stress and inconvenience to everyone involved, but we had a mission—to get ready for baby #2!

In hindsight, we really didn’t use much grace, and I see our anxiety paving the way for the trouble that was coming, instead of letting faith and patience guide us.

We had to move 2 times to get into our new place. Some church friends let us crash for couple nights with ALL our boxes at their house while we waited for the official move in date, because we had to leave the old place in time for the new renters month to begin. We didn’t care, we were thrilled to start fresh at a new place and leave bad memories behind.

Everything seemed wonderful when we arrived. Our shared house was an “Ohana” so we shared one house with 2 separate living spaces. The downstairs neighbors, Lucy and Larry (names changed for this story), were acting as the building managers for the landlord that was out of the country.

We left for a few weeks to take a missions trip with our youth group to Paris and enjoyed a wonderful experience sharing joy and praying with people we met on the streets. It was the first time I ever cried leaving a place, I didn’t want to go back home.

When we settled back into life, strange things started happening. Doors started slamming downstairs more often. Our neighbors started smoking next to our screen only windows, and being pregnant and a bit paranoid, I started complaining to Jonathan about the constant annoyance. A complaint was sent to the landlord that the building managers were breaking the rental rules. Honestly, I can’t remember if we talked to them directly or not.. that may or may not have helped.

Late One night, Lucy knocked on our door. We answered and were worried for her when we saw she had been crying. She unloaded her horrifying story of abuse and heartache with the man that had been living with her in the same building as all of us. This was the most horrible, bloody and violent story I’ve ever had anyone personally confide in me, and of course we were very upset for her. We prayed with her that night and strongly advised her to seek shelter and safety from the man that was causing this.

Larry never left.

A Struggle with Grace: Part 1

Mom asked me the other day about the mental breakdown I had during my first pregnancy. I had never thought of it like that, but I could only imagine what it looked like and sounded like from the other side of things.

For some reason, my mind seems to take the brunt of the pregnancy tolls, and my emotions run EVERYWHERE. Some people get bed rest all 9 months, I get the hormones of a fire crazy female dragon. Things that I normally could reason through become unbearable burdens and punch holes in my will power, self control, and self image.

We were in a delicate place when we discovered the exciting news that we would be parents. We were living with my parents as we were getting our finances prepared after being full time volunteer missionaries for the past 6 month. I had waited all summer to hear back from the HI Department of Education to find out if I would have a job as a teacher, and the day after my job offer came, I found out everything else about our world would be changing as well with the arrival of a baby in the next year.

One Sunday morning, I screamed, howled, and wailed at my husband. I WOULD NOT be going to church that day, "You HAVE to tell me what your plans are for our lives!"
 Morning turned into evening and my tears turned to pouting. I was SO angry that God would dare let us live in this uncertainty. My anger left unresolved, grudges were inconvenient, so I just chose to ignore that day and live on.

Months later, we were living in our first place in Hawaii away from my parents. Thankful for some space to call our own (though we shared very close proximity to the neighbors), my hormones continued to swell and overwhelm me in a cocktail of fear and anxiety. I continued to work as a rookie Kindergarten teacher, trying to measure up to the ideals I had in my head from college days, but felt the crushing weight of exhaustion and the almost 50 pounds I had gained thanks to pregnancy.

One day near the very end of my 3rd trimester, Jonathan had come home later than I anticipated from a job he was working on. Our financial situation weighed HEAVILY on me, in spite of the fact that  miracles were happening for us with new legislation that made it possible for me to receive an entire year's salary even though I was missing the last 2 months of school. But I couldn't see past my red hot anger, and I allowed myself ride my hormonal roller coaster slotting myself to spew another round of insults, blame, yelling, and embarrassment that lead to the building manager knocking on our door to see if police needed to be called.

They weren't called.

I was mortified, horrified to find myself in this lonely place. Not even my husband could comfort me. I felt SO alone and so sat in a pit of self pity.

I had NO ONE to talk to... not even God, I was so bitter that he had placed us in this pot of misery.

FINALLY,  the baby was born and my angry hormones left. Surely joy could return again, and it did, for a while.

A Struggle with Grace: The Introduction

This is the beginning of a long story. It’s nothing very special, but it’s my story. If life is like a patch work quilt,random bits of yarn and fabric sew together in random places, this is how I see the parts of my life attached.
I've been blessed over and over by the lives of my three beautiful children. My pregnancies were medically uneventful and very smooth. Deliveries of each of them were quick, requiring little to no interventions. My firstborn's birth story is actually right here on this blog.

I've had people tell me how strong they see me to be, "What a supermom!" They might be just being kind or trying to be sincerely encouraging, but I need to tell the truth, and get the dirt out from under the rug.

Each pregnancy has brought out my worst and weakest parts. Parts of me that are broken, deceived, not even able to be properly filtered, and better left cropped out of the picture of who I am. I am absolutely pathetic, if I didn't have CONSTANT, NEVER ENDING reminders of who my God is, and how GREATLY he loves me.

Each experience has changed me. I couldn’t know the things I would know the next day, but with each event I’ve experienced, my hope has been that I’ve become wiser and more graceful as time goes on.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

That One Time I tried carrying Santa's Toy Bag

Have you ever written a list of everything you’d ever want?

Last year, I was challenged to write out a list of 50 dreams I have for my life. I had never done anything like this, and ended up being able to clearly see some priorities I had to help to me make some important decisions.

But something funny happened to this list. It turned into my imaginary Santa’s Toy Bag, but instead of him carrying it, I started dragging it with me everywhere I went, and into every conversation I had. Worse yet, I didn’t even REALIZE I had this clunky thing with me!

As we press into a life of bravery, we have to be aware of the baggage we are carrying. Do you ever see the hero(ine) in a movie running to the rescue while carrying a monstrous load with them or trying to juggle it while they deal with the “bad guy?”  NO! To experience our life to the fullest, our minds must be clear and our arms empty so we can be ready for whatever comes!

I felt challenged to write out the things I had in my bag, and then give it to someone who can carry it.

Are you carrying anything? Friend, please take time to write it out, and join me by praying the prayer I did.

Jesus, I give you this list of stuff. It’s been a really heavy burden to bear and it’s made me feel so inadequate. It’s defeated me. I don’t want to carry it around anymore, so I’ going to let you have it. Please, give me your good and perfect gifts. Give me strength to be gentle, Give me patience to be living. Give me joy so I can fully live.

Ain't nobody got time fo' baggage!
I felt a tangible lightening of my load when I gave it away. Oh the joy! I can be sure that my heavenly father has good things for me. 

I Corinthians 2:9 says, ‘What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him,” and there’s no way I wanna miss all that for a bag of junk! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Conscious Scrolling

Imagine-- a colorless dirty concrete wall, stretching as far as the eye can see. Smoothly slabbed making climbing impossible even for spiderman. Now, you notice there is a tiny hole, rectangular in shape, just at eye level, giving just enough space to peer through and possibly even hear noise from on the opposite side.

Now imagine a lone figure dwarfed by the vast wall, peeking through the window, squinting to take in as many details as possible. This character can see people walking by, coming and going about their daily tasks. Consuming anything that can be seen or heard, sometimes it's bits and pieces of conversations that can be heard about various parts of their lives and matters of importance.

This scene goes on for hours, days, finally months and even years. The lone figure finally settles to sleep near the hole just to be able to catch a glimpse into the minutia of these strangers lives.

Why Is this Post Here?

It's been some time since I've shared in this forum, but the time has come to return again and I surge forward with conviction and anticipation. Let me explain...

Who am I now?

Sometimes the best way to feel familiar with a person is to know where they are heading, to learn what their intended destination is. Here are a few clues that I can provide.. they are a bit lofty and perhaps even too "ambitious" to make reading further unbearable, but nonetheless it's generally what I have installed as a compass and guide for how I attempt to proceed.

My Dream:
To make the world a better place

My Hope:
To be inspirational and encouraging 

Daily Ambition:
To become better than I was the day before, loving those in my path well, listening well, and taking appropriate action when needed

The troublesome and tiring REALITY is that I completely fail in these ideals everyday. Truth is, I'm not sure why I don't LOWER the bar so at least I could claim some level of success throughout a day. Call me a hopeless optimist, but I just can't shake 'em.

So why am I back on the blog?

Well, earlier this summer I started a project and then ended up leaving it kinda just "hanging." But the truth is I'm still in the process of figuring out the next steps.
Basically, I started readed a book called 100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs on Facebook Live. It started as me just reading a day at a time, but then the videos morphed into what that day's reading was speaking to me personally. And then I hit "the wall." In my quest to become "brave" I lost courage, because I had caught a glimpse of who I am that I didn't like. It was a view of myself I didn't want the world to see, so frankly, I've been hiding..playing the part of the coward, wrestling with this idea for the past 3 months. How do I overcome this dragon to my courage while being true to myself in the process?

So here I am. Stepping out of the shadows, putting down my phone, and publically wrestling with this issue of bravery and real life.

Follow only if you dare...