Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Conscious Scrolling

Imagine-- a colorless dirty concrete wall, stretching as far as the eye can see. Smoothly slabbed making climbing impossible even for spiderman. Now, you notice there is a tiny hole, rectangular in shape, just at eye level, giving just enough space to peer through and possibly even hear noise from on the opposite side.

Now imagine a lone figure dwarfed by the vast wall, peeking through the window, squinting to take in as many details as possible. This character can see people walking by, coming and going about their daily tasks. Consuming anything that can be seen or heard, sometimes it's bits and pieces of conversations that can be heard about various parts of their lives and matters of importance.

This scene goes on for hours, days, finally months and even years. The lone figure finally settles to sleep near the hole just to be able to catch a glimpse into the minutia of these strangers lives.

Consider now how social media has objectified us to one another.

I know I'm guilty.

  • to ourselves to discredit our lives compared to a snapshot into other's lives?
  • to gain any kind of entertainment value out of other's suffering or hardship?
  • to pass on information of someone else's demise just for sake of trivia?

In order to share love, we MUST understand how greatly we are loved. This is truly a life long journey, and we can surely take just one baby step even now.

Let's be conscious scrollers, shall we? We can help each other be more aware of what we're allowing our mind to do, and instead find ways to deeply connect and love rather than numbly consume.

Know this, friend, YOU are cherished, YOU are enough, and YOU do not require a filter.

John 13:34-35

34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Warts and all, Jennifer

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