Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Struggle with Grace: Part 2

Newborn life with Micah was absolute joy. He was so precious, and I was so relieved to be at home full time away from all the stress and drama I had experienced at school while I was teaching. We quickly saw as he approached his first year, he was the center of our family’s universe. He was the first grandchild on my side, and with Grandmama and Papa close by, we knew he needed another little person to share all this joy with. So we prayed for a little sibling.

Not long after his 1st birthday, we discovered a little sister was soon to join us! We were elated! As we were staying in a 1 bedroom condo, we realized we had better start our search for a larger place sooner rather than later due to the difficulty finding god housing can be on a small island.

We found a place on craigslist that was just the right price. Three bedrooms, and a view of the ocean, this HAD to be the one. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, we started making it happen. We had to meet a few timelines with leaving the other place that caused some stress and inconvenience to everyone involved, but we had a mission—to get ready for baby #2!

In hindsight, we really didn’t use much grace, and I see our anxiety paving the way for the trouble that was coming, instead of letting faith and patience guide us.

We had to move 2 times to get into our new place. Some church friends let us crash for couple nights with ALL our boxes at their house while we waited for the official move in date, because we had to leave the old place in time for the new renters month to begin. We didn’t care, we were thrilled to start fresh at a new place and leave bad memories behind.

Everything seemed wonderful when we arrived. Our shared house was an “Ohana” so we shared one house with 2 separate living spaces. The downstairs neighbors, Lucy and Larry (names changed for this story), were acting as the building managers for the landlord that was out of the country.

We left for a few weeks to take a missions trip with our youth group to Paris and enjoyed a wonderful experience sharing joy and praying with people we met on the streets. It was the first time I ever cried leaving a place, I didn’t want to go back home.

When we settled back into life, strange things started happening. Doors started slamming downstairs more often. Our neighbors started smoking next to our screen only windows, and being pregnant and a bit paranoid, I started complaining to Jonathan about the constant annoyance. A complaint was sent to the landlord that the building managers were breaking the rental rules. Honestly, I can’t remember if we talked to them directly or not.. that may or may not have helped.

Late One night, Lucy knocked on our door. We answered and were worried for her when we saw she had been crying. She unloaded her horrifying story of abuse and heartache with the man that had been living with her in the same building as all of us. This was the most horrible, bloody and violent story I’ve ever had anyone personally confide in me, and of course we were very upset for her. We prayed with her that night and strongly advised her to seek shelter and safety from the man that was causing this.

Larry never left.

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