Thursday, November 7, 2019

I Did the Wrong Thing

 I found myself in an accidental experiment. Conventional wisdom says wait until later on when you know it’s “for sure the baby is going to be OK”. What happens if you buck conventional wisdom?

I woke up the morning after my hospital stay and I knew I needed to share the news of what had transpired with my church home group. I sent a short text message explaining that unexpectedly our sweet little life was safe in the arms of Jesus.

What I found was a hammock of love and prayers that immediately surrounded me and our family. They continue to carry us, (and SOOOO MANY OTHERS) as my body is still healing from complications that came from the miscarriage.

Who’s talking about this stuff? I never had anyone talk to me about it until just this year, and honestly, just knowing that I had a friend that experienced this loss too took the loneliness factor way down for me. Can I be that person for you?

My hope through all of this is that my story can help someone else tell their story. As so many women in my life have reached out to care for me, I have heard so many stories of their own tragedies. Tears have come to their eyes even decades after their loss, because the life they hoped for was gone too soon.

1 in 4 pregnancies end this way. It has affected way more people than I ever imagined. There’s nothing any mother can do about it, but it doesn’t lessen the sting.

Everyone processes things differently, and everyone experiences grief differently, and I hope anyone that reads this and needs hope and healing can find it.

Here are some resources that I hope can help guide anyone that needs to heal.

If you have experienced an abortion and have experienced regret or pain about your choice, I say there is healing for you too. 1 in 3 women (church going folks included) have made that choice, and you can find grace and mercy and unconditional forgiveness and love.

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