Friday, September 21, 2012

Praying from the Psalms

Today I want to share a little something I did in my personal devotions.

Some of my friends mentioned that they had prayed from the Psalms, so I figured I'd try it out. I chose Psalm 20 yesterday because it was the 20th day of September. Wow, what a great Psalm too! I wrote it down as was going through it, and it turned into a great family discussion/research project. I even headed over to to get advice from Clarke's commentary and to look up cross references.

Now, before you read it, I just want to let you know, it's nothing fancy at all. You can easily do it yourself. In fact, all I did was put it into personal terms so I could apply the words to my life, instead of simply reading it as text on a page. Also know, that I do not consider my work as part of the inspired Word of God, but this was merely an exercise in personalizing the scriptures, and you can do it too!

For the original scriptures in the New Living Translation, click HERE

Psalm 20

When I am in trouble, Lord please answer my cries. May the name of the God of the Israelites keep me safe from harm.
You will send me your sanctuary and give strength from Zion. You will remember all I've offered and look favorably on my sacrifices.
Heavenly Father, grant my heart's desire and make my plans succeed.
I will testify with joy when I hear of your victory over evil, and raise a public banner proclaiming your power.
Thank you, Father, for answering my prayers.
Having the anointing of the Holy Spirit in my life is the only hope I have of amounting to anything. God, you give me your holy wisdom and understanding, and rescue me by your great power.
While some find their successes in tangible things, I can boast in the power of the name of God.
Those people will sadly find their world crumbling, but I will stand tall and find my footing sure.
Give victory to your anointed, oh Lord, and show me your glory.

I really hope you decide to do this too! It truly was so encouraging to put this in a light where it personally meant something to me right where I am in life.

Be encouraged!

Waipio Valley 9/20/12

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