Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Pacific Blue Thanksgiving

Since leaving for college in South Florida when all my family lives in the Northwest, holidays have always been a bit of a random affair. I never really know what to expect, so I have grown accustomed to adjusting to "different" situations in new places; ie, Thanksgiving in Kona, Hawaii.

How was it? Well, it was a bit warm...but there was so much love and GOOD FOOD!

We started the day off with morning worship with the whole campus in the Ohana Court.
Following worship, Danny Lehman shared the story of the first thanksgiving with us. This was a neat experience as our campus is so multicultural that about half of the audience had never celebrated an American Thanksgiving. This could have been the first time they heard the story of Squanto and the Mayflower.
Jaima, Odessa, and Jessa: the 3 lovely ladies on our Outreach team
Ending the service, everyone participated in a prayer/Thanksgiving walk around the campus and the new ground they are developing.
I'm always in awe of the controlled chaos
 with the sheer masses of people on campus
Thanking God for the new developments on campus.
Thanksgiving meal was served in our Community Transformations Classroom/Tent
Marie and I

Unintentionally, several of us married couples (also lovingly known as MCs ;) sat together. It was such a good time. I have really treasured the moments I get to share with each one of them. It's so awesome to see how they are allowing God to do amazing things in their lives through all of our ventures at YWAM.

Bekah, Landon, Marshall, Jen, me, Jonathan

So wonderful to be with family!

I love my momma!
Jonathan and I ended the day with my dad. If you know him very well, you've probably already guessed we went snorkeling :) Sure enough, he took us to a new place called "Shark Cage" where there are some really awesome caves that sharks dwell in. No sign of sharks, but we did see a sea turtle :) I decided that Hawaii isn't too bad at Thanksgiving after all. Anyways, it's who you're with that counts, and if Jonathan's anywhere in the picture, I always know I'll feel lots of love :)

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