Dear Family and Friends,
It is with a full heart and great hope for the New Year that we write you. We have seen Jesus moving mightily both in our midst and in our world giving us faith for what He will continue to do.
Early this year, we had the privilege of ministering to the people of Karnataka, India. Traveling to the more
remote places in the southern part of India, we prayed and watched the Lord heal the deaf, give health to the sick, and give hope and joy to prostitutes, homeless, and the destitute. Our faith was greatly increased as we met orphanage directors and heard the jubilant stories from the mouths of their orphans of how the Lord had directly provided food, shelter, and clothing for them.
In the spring, Jonathan felt the Lord leading him to continue missionary work in computer technology in a group called Christ Revealed on World Networks (CROWN), and Jennifer to work at The Learning Center, a school for missionary children in Kona, Hawaii. We both jumped into the new world of full-time unpaid missions work believing that the Lord would speak to our friends and family to give to support us in ministry. We have been surprised at how the Lord has provided and cared for us, and seen the fruit this sifting process has borne in our own lives.
As a new school year drew near, it became clear that Jennifer was to take a position at a local elementary school as a kindergarten teacher, and so began her first full year as a teacher. Almost simultaneously, we discovered the exciting news of our first child's entrance onto the scene of our lives!
This November, Jonathan took a trip to Seoul, Korea for an IT Missions conference with CROWN. There
they cast the vision for computer missionaries and the need for more work (and workers) in this area to claim territory for the Kingdom of God in technology. As Korea has such a strong Christian base, they met with leaders in Christian technology using TV, radio,
It is with a full heart and great hope for the New Year that we write you. We have seen Jesus moving mightily both in our midst and in our world giving us faith for what He will continue to do.
Early this year, we had the privilege of ministering to the people of Karnataka, India. Traveling to the more
remote places in the southern part of India, we prayed and watched the Lord heal the deaf, give health to the sick, and give hope and joy to prostitutes, homeless, and the destitute. Our faith was greatly increased as we met orphanage directors and heard the jubilant stories from the mouths of their orphans of how the Lord had directly provided food, shelter, and clothing for them.
As a new school year drew near, it became clear that Jennifer was to take a position at a local elementary school as a kindergarten teacher, and so began her first full year as a teacher. Almost simultaneously, we discovered the exciting news of our first child's entrance onto the scene of our lives!
This November, Jonathan took a trip to Seoul, Korea for an IT Missions conference with CROWN. There
they cast the vision for computer missionaries and the need for more work (and workers) in this area to claim territory for the Kingdom of God in technology. As Korea has such a strong Christian base, they met with leaders in Christian technology using TV, radio,
As we look forward to the next year, we see many wonderful
changes coming with our new roles as parents with the Baby’s arrival in April.
Jonathan is currently seeking paid work as Jennifer will not be working full
time in the next school year as to take on the role as mother. We are excited
to be moving into our own apartment this January as we have been praying for
the Lord’s provision in this for many months! His timing is perfect!
Please continue to pray for us as we follow the Holy Spirit's guidance. We pray that He will reveal Himself in a new way to you this year and
that you would find His blessings bountiful.
With much love,
Jonathan & Jennifer